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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

3. Pumpkins = Yummy Treat

Our First Jack-o-lantern
Originally uploaded by 365 Cheap Dates

This is your chance to be creative AND spontaneous... Surprise your partner by taking him/her to a pumpkin patch to select your pumpkin (one is ideal for teamwork). After the "lobotomy" (as my significant other called it), start roasting the seeds, so that the this tasty treat will be ready when the real fun starts (carving, that is). Here's a trick for you: To help separate the pulp, the seeds will float to the top in a bowl of water. Also, boil the seeds for 10 minutes prior to baking for a toasty finish. Being my first time, I tried an easy recipe from the Food Network (salt, pepper, and garlic powder) with a longer bake time. Why not share the fun? Invite friends over for a friendly contest of pumpkin carving. Make sure to proudly display your pumpkin to show off to friends and family. Better yet, take a photo of your masterpiece! 10 Days and counting...

Approximate cost of cheap date idea = $4.
Actual value of the cheap date idea = Priceless.
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