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Sunday, November 8, 2009

21. MB Holiday Fireworks Festival - 12/13

Annual Holiday Fireworks
Originally uploaded by 365 Cheap Dates

Come join the crowd at the Annual Holiday Fireworks Festival at Manhattan Beach Pier on Sunday, December 13th. The streets are blocked off for the Snow Park to open at 4 PM and the live bands to play music at 5 PM. Claim your spot on the Strand walkway along the beach before the fireworks display starts at 6:30 PM. The event is open to the public and the parking meters are free during the holidays in Manhattan Beach, but come early or take a cab to beat the crowd. Bundle up because it can get nippy at night during this time of the year!

Approximate cost of creative date idea = Free.
Actual value of the cheap date idea = Priceless.
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